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Question of law in a sentence

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Sentence count:20Posted:2019-07-01Updated:2020-07-24
Similar words: violation of lawquestion of factthere is no question ofamerican federation of labordivision of labourexpectation of lifequestionquestionerMeaning: n. a disputed legal contention that is generally left for a judge to decide. 
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1. It would depend upon the construction of the statute whether Parliament intended questions of law to be left to an inferior court.
2. The implicit assumption as to why this should be so is that questions of law are for the ordinary courts.
3. Solicitors therefore take counsel's opinion on difficult or technical questions of law or procedure.
4. The hon. Gentleman again raised the question of law and order.
5. The current trend is to regard many issues of statutory interpretation as questions of law, or mixed law and fact.
6. This is a very important fundamental question of law.
7. A question of law or fact?
8. However, the question of law on financing lease has never been clearly defined.
9. There is no question of Law influencing Wenger's transfer decisions or putting pressure on the Arsenal manager to buy certain players.
10. The law concept is a key question of law philosophy.
11. For 73 percent, it was the question of law and order.
12. Legal education is a basic question of law, while law is the basic question of constitutional government.
13. The question of law and interest is a fundamental question of jurisprudence and attracts more attention.
14. We should solve the question of law belief crisis from the aspects of science of law research, legislation, executing the law and law education.
15. Legal interpretation is a question of law, for it aims to elaborate a particular provision of law or specific fact concerning law.
15. is a sentence dictionary, on which you can find excellent sentences for a large number of words.
16. Obviousness is a question of law based on underlying findings of fact.
17. Under the Arbitration Act 1979 an appeal lies to the High Court on any question of law arising out of an award.
18. The legal rule and its the potency question is a foundational question of law philosophy.
19. Applicants are also subject to a merits test. The prime consideration is whether the defendant is in jeopardy of losing his liberty or whether a substantial question of law is involved.
20. In just to simplify the discussion, put aside the question of law.
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Total 20, 30 Per page  1/1 
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